It's no secret that the senior class of 2020 missed out on A LOT! Being an educator as well as a senior photographer, my heart was aching a little extra! I wanted to do something to honor not only the hard work, but also the poise my seniors were showing during this time. I then came up with the idea of offering my 2020 senior clients a scholarship! By selling yard signs and banners we were able to raise around $2,000!! The winners are going to be announced next week and I. CANNOT. WAIT!! These kiddos are nothing short of amazing and I know they will go on and do great things in the world. To my Senior Class of 2020...have no regrets, take chances, be grateful for your blessings, and continue to make everyone in your life proud! I am so glad I got to be a small part of their senior year and hopefully added some smiles and fond memories along the way! I thank you for allowing me to come along on this journey with you and can't wait to continue with the Senior Class of 2021. YOU ROCK!!!